Saturday, February 23, 2013


For a few years, I had several friends who told me I should try Zumba. They knew I was/am a dancer and I especially enjoy latin and hip hop dancing. I hesitated because I knew I would be picky because of my dance background. I would have high expectations for the dances and the instructor.

In January 2012, our neighborhood newsletter did an article on our neighborhood Zumba instructor (we have a neighborhood fitness center that offers different classes) and I recognized her as someone I used to dance with! We were on the same competition team but only for a year because she was a senior when I joined in 7th grade. We didn't have much interaction but I remembered looking up to her and the older girls and that she had been a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader (they had her signed picture in the studio). I was excited to read in the article that she was about to start a night class. I figured who better to take Zumba from than someone in my neighborhood who I knew was a great dancer!

I went to my first class February 7th (I was able to look it up because I posted about it on Facebook that day). I introduced myself to Brandi and reminded her that we used to dance together. She remembered me (or so she says!) and I really enjoyed the class. Basically an hour of dancing that focuses on getting you a good workout! I was hooked. Last Spring, I was only able to make the one evening class she taught and I made sure I was able to make it as much as possible. The classes are always so much fun and I swear I burn over 500 calories in an hour. I tried visiting other Zumba instructors because Brandi only taught 1 class a week I could make it do but none of them were the same. Not that they were bad by any means but I always felt like I got a better workout in Brandi's class and I LOVE her choreography. It always is on the beat, flows, fun, and challenging!

That summer I was a Zumba machine! I tried to make every class I could (sometimes 6 in a week!) and even scheduled my professional development around my Zumba classes. :) Of course I was on vacation for 3 weeks that summer but even then, I tried to do some Zumba dances while I was away in our hotel rooms. As I learned the songs better, I was able to focus more on making sure I was engaging all my muscles as much as possible. Of course, along with all the exercise, I was trying to eat better. By the end of the summer, I was fitting into clothes I hadn't worn in years.

Unfortunately, once the school year started, I started to gain some of it back. It is a lot harder for me to eat right while I'm teaching. I know it can be done but it takes a lot of time and preparation which I don't always have. I also am a stress eater so that didn't help and of course I went from 4-6 classes a week to 2sh a week. That is part of the reason why I went so hard core this summer because I knew once the school year started, it wouldn't be easy.

Of course at the beginning of October I found out I was pregnant! Luckily for me, whatever you were during before you were pregnant is what you can continue to do while pregnant (with modifications of course). I was excited to continue Zumba to help keep me in shape. The main things I had to keep in mind was not getting my heartrate too high and I got winded more easily. Then the sickness and exhaustion hit. This meant I was lucky if I made it to 1 a week. :( It also was frustrating going to class and not being able to go full out like I'm used to. I also hated not getting as good of a workout because I have to watch myself. I used to get home and be drenched and have jelly legs and now I sweat and am sore, but it isn't the same. Now that I'm feeling better, I'm trying to make sure I go at least once a week. It has also helped that one of the night classes is now a toning class which is "easier" for me to do. (It still hurts! but it helps that it has less cardio). The main thing I have to fight against now is making myself go to class after a full day's work. The good news is that I never regret it once I'm there. :) Exercise is good for me and the baby and at my last appointment, the midwife commented on my strong ab muscles! They are all thanks to Zumba because I definitely don't do any other workout!

I'm so thankful for everything Zumba has brought into my life this last year (including new friends!) and look forward to using it to help me lose the baby weight when the time comes!

Brandi and me (How can I not be inspired with an instructor who looks like this!)
And yes, I am still doing all my Zumba moves with my big belly. There is a video floating around Facebook that has me dancing at around 18 weeks. :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

23 weeks

23 weeks

Everything went really well at our ultrasound. Before I get into it, here is the pic when the baby was 12 weeks old.

The head is on the left and belly on the right. :)

The baby looked great at the 20 week ultrasound. It was amazing to see him/her! We told the tech that we didn't want to know the gender so she told us to close our eyes whenever it got close to that area (not that I probably would have been to tell anything). At the beginning of the ultrasound, she was trying to get a profile pic but the baby turned and looked right at us! He/she kept opening and closing its mouth. The tech kept talking about its cute little nose which is definitely mine. :) He/she also has a nice big round belly which Blake says is from him. :) The funny thing is that the baby kept trying to show us its hips and lower region! I hear all the time about people who want to know the gender and the baby is being shy but ours isn't! The tech kept having to tell us to close our eyes. Everything appears healthy (we could even see different heart chambers!) and the baby was measuring right around 20 weeks. I'm relieved because I feel really big and worried the baby would be big but I think I just appear big because I'm short.

Our sweet baby at 20 weeks. the head is on the left again and there is a hand waving hi. Can you see my nose? I'm starting to get excited about meeting our little one and seeing what they got from me and what they got from Blake. 

I am happy to say that I'm not really throwing up much anymore but I still am getting an upset stomach every now and then but it is SO much better than before so I'll take it!!

Last week (22 weeks) the baby REALLY started to move. They were moving before but not as much. There was actually a cool moment Thursday night when I told Blake that the baby was moving a lot so he should try and feel it. He put his hand on my stomach and said "Kick baby" and it did! Of course Blake then said, "It knows its father was speaking to it"

The baby can hear now which is cool to think about. It has made me love worship at church even more because I feel like I am singing to/with my baby. :) It is more than 11 inches long and weighs over a pound and can feel me dance. Wonder what it will think during Zumba Thursday night? My feet and legs have started to hurt more and it is getting harder to move around. It is crazy to think that I'm only a little more than halfway through. I feel so much bigger!

My mom and I went shopping on Saturday because I have 2 weddings plus 2 rehearsal dinners, showers, and my 10 year reunion to find clothes for! I am normally not a shopper (much to my mom's disappointment) and we have different taste in clothes (she is much more fashion forward than I am) so much of the time I am more stubborn when we go shopping. Since I am pregnant and my choice are much more limited and my body is no longer my own, I just let her take over. Of course she loved it. I wish I could have gotten video of her running all around the store finding clothes for me to try on. I swear I tried on over 20 different things. Whatever she brought me, I put on. I think I ended up with some pretty good stuff so hopefully I'm set for awhile.

Tuesday we start our Bradley classes! I'm excited but a little nervous because it just makes the whole giving birth thing more real. The thing I keep reminding myself is that when it is all over, I will have our baby in my arms and it will all be worth it. 

That's all I can think of for now. I'll leave you with a spelling sentence one of my students came up with this week. "Mrs. Beaver is having 4 babies so she is grumpier than usual."

Oh! I forgot to post what Blake put together a couple weeks ago. :)