Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day, Baby Showers, Nursery and other updates

So I can't decide whether to write this post chronologically or as it comes to my mind. It would probably be easier for you to read if I did it chronologically but it is easier on my brain to write things as they come to my mind so that is what you will get!

Mother's Day

I honestly never really gave much thought to those who didn't enjoy Mother's Day. Since I could remember I always spent the day honoring my amazing mom and any other moms in my family we saw that day. Once I was married I made sure Blake always had something for his mom as well  :) (as daughters-in-law do). I guess if I really thought about it, I could have understood how it could be a hard day for some who have lost their mothers or didn't have the best mother. That is until last year.

Mother's Day last year wasn't very much fun for me. At that point, Blake and I had been trying for a baby for awhile and I desperately wanted to be pregnant. I remember being in church as they talked about mothers and just yearning to be one. Of course my church acknowledged those who might be having a hard time on that day and including those who couldn't/weren't getting pregnant. I held back tears as I worshiped and prayed. I questioned yet again why we weren't pregnant yet while at the same time knowing that God will do things in His way with His timing. Right there I knew that next Mother's Day would be different. I didn't know for sure if I would have a baby, be pregnant, or on our way to having a baby in another way, but I knew Mother's Day 2013 would be different. I knew I wouldn't be crying because I still wasn't a mom yet.

And of course God is faithful. This Mother's Day I am 36 weeks pregnant. Baby is currently moving all around in my stomach as I type this. While this hasn't been the easiest or most comfortable pregnancy, everyday I am thankful for this gift. While the journey to get here was emotional and also not easy, looking back, I am thankful for it. It has made me appreciate the miracle of life and really brought God into this pregnancy as He should be. I've debated posting about our entire journey and I still might do it one day but if you are reading this and trying to get pregnant and getting upset and discouraged, PLEASE feel free to contact me and I would love to talk to you. Women don't always share about their fertility (understandably, it is private and can be uncomfortable to discuss in public) but I found that while we were trying, one of the things that helped me the most was talking to other women who had been through it. It was nice to know that we weren't alone. YOU aren't alone!

Ok, enough with the emotional part of the post.

OH! So my first Mother's Day. I know some people would say that I'm "not a mom yet" because I'm still pregnant but let me tell you, I've carried this child for the last 8-9 months and done my best to make sure I'm eating right, resting, and doing everything else this baby needs while dealing with all the fun pregnancy symptoms  I'M a MOM! :)

Saturday night we finishing rearranging the nursery because Blake's family was coming in the morning to see it and we finally had most everything we needed for the nursery. First here are some pictures...

Riley's new spot

View from the doorway. Riley wanted to be in the picture still. 

Curtains :)

Changing table/dresser. (I still need to finish putting away all the shower gifts) 
It is all coming together! So that night, I was relaxing in the glider (which is awesome!) and I had Blake turn off the lights so I could see what the lamp looked like. It was so nice and peaceful in there (no baby crying yet!) and reality that we will have a baby in a month is hitting both of us. Blake says that the room is missing one thing. So I continued rocking and thinking about all the long nights I would probably spend in this spot. I honestly was thinking about how I would need to make sure I had my iPod touch with me so I can watch Netflix and play on the internet while feeding.... when Blake walks in with a brand new iPad!!! He did catch my reaction on video and basically, my jaw just dropped and stayed that way. I had talked to him about maybe getting an iPad because I have other friends who nurse who have told me how awesome it is to have one but I never thought he would actually get me one. Especially once we decided that I wasn't going to work next year (more on that later). He also of course got me a super sweet card that I will cherish always.

The next day we had breakfast with Blake's family and lunch with my family. After that I was able to relax but of course, I still had some work that I had to do. Now for Father's Day, we will have a 1 or 2 week old. I'm trying to think about things I can do to get ready before the baby comes and I will of course do my best to spoil Blake that day but I already told him no guarantees! Blake of course has been the best dad and husband ever during this pregnancy. He has had to take on more since I have to rest more and have been so sick and uncomfortable and he has done it all willingly and without complaint. I really am the luckiest!

Speaking of lucky, I was blessed with 3 showers in 4 days! The last day of Bible study with my girls was supposed to be a fun/party night. We had decided to get together for dinner and a movie at our host home. So I show up and my girls say "Welcome to your baby shower!". I look around the the dining room is set with cute plates and a gift and all the girls are writing silly sayings on diapers. I was so surprised and overwhelmed at their thoughtfulness! There was a wonderful dinner prepared by some of the moms and the girls all chipped in and got us our pack n play!! I texted Blake to tell him about it and it turns out his boys threw him a surprise shower as well!! We are so thankful that this baby is so loved already.

My sweet girls writing on the diapers

Well, I have tons more to say but this is the time of night that I get sick and now that I've taken care of that, I'm tired and need to go to bed. (yes, I am throwing up again. Apparently it isn't uncommon in the 3rd trimester and I'm one of the lucky ones) :) I will try to post again soon!

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